Four steps to get you super sorted this new financial year

05 Jul 2022

  1. Get to know your super

    The better you understand your super, the more comfortable and confident you’ll be making decisions about it. Curious about how CSC works, our values and how we invest?

    Find out more

    Also take the time to check your online account and carefully consider if you are on track for the lifestyle you want in retirement.

  2. Track down lost or unclaimed super

    You can find and combine your super through the Australian Tax Office, or through our Superfinder tool.

  3. Discover more about your investment options

    Check in to understand how you’re super is currently invested, and the investment options available to you. Make sure to view our tables on which investment options may suit not just your lifestyle, but your life stage.

  4. Maximising your super, starting now

    Did you get a promotion this new financial year, or are you starting to think about the transition to retirement? To consider if it’s time to start putting away a bit extra into super, and see how much you can save, use our online tools.

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