Audience members at meeting

Annual Member Meeting

Our 2023 Annual Member Meeting was held on Wednesday 8 November 2023.

Watch the meeting

Important Documents

Annual Member Meeting Minutes 2023

Minutes from CSC's Annual Member Meeting, November 2023.

Annual Member Meeting Question Responses 2023

Responses to Member questions from CSC's Annual Member Meeting, November 2023.

Additional information

Short-form expenditure summary (2022-23 financial year)

The following information is provided in accordance with paragraph 29P(3)(b) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and regulation 2.10 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (the Regulations).

Short-form expenditure summary relating to the entity for the 2022-23 financial year

Expense amount Total
Aggregate remuneration expenditure $7,418,516
Aggregate promotion, marketing, or sponsorship expenditure $1,128,494.04
Aggregate political donations NIL
Aggregate industrial body payments $146,738
Aggregate related party payments NIL
Aggregate remuneration expenditure This represents remuneration for the CSC Board of Directors and Executive Team. As payments of fees for some Directors are paid to their nominating entities, fees paid for these Directors are also included in the Aggregate Industrial Body Payments.
Aggregate promotion, marketing, or sponsorship expenditure Aggregate marketing and promotion expenditure includes the cost for creative development, paid media and marketing of the Fund, paid search, project management, strategic planning, merchandise and collateral, printing and event management.
Aggregate political donations No donations were made during the year.
Aggregate industrial body payments Payments to industry bodies include payments to organisations registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. Payments reported under this category in 2022-23 related solely to Directors’ fees.
Aggregate related party payments CSC has not reported any payments to related parties during the year. CSC transacts with other Australian Government controlled entities consistent with the normal day to day business operations under normal terms and conditions, including the payment of workers compensation insurance premiums. CSC also makes superannuation contribution payments on behalf of employees who have chosen to be contributing members of CSC superannuation schemes. These payments have not been reported on the basis that they do not meet the definition of a related party payment in section 2.10(1)(h) of the Regulations.

Further information will be available prior to the Annual Member Meeting. This includes:

Answers to frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

We have provided answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.

Read more about Frequently asked questions