We’ve updated our departmental reports

Departmental reports have recently seen a significant change. Your employees can now send their forms directly to CSC.

07 Jul 2022

There is now one departmental report for you to complete for any employees exiting because of retirement, redundancy, resignation or transfer. There’s also a departmental report for employees who are retiring due to invalidity. Both of these are separate from our customers’ benefit application forms and can be found on our new forms and documents page.

If an employee is leaving your agency for any other reason, get in touch so we can advise what information we need to process their benefit.

The new departmental report means you don’t have to wait for your employee to send their application form to you. As soon as your employee exits for one of the reasons above, you can complete the departmental report and email it to us. It can be completed without printing, electronically signed and submitted direct to formsandapplications@csc.gov.au.

You’ll notice that the departmental reports are still on our customers’ benefit application forms for now. We won’t be removing them while we transition to this new process, but we’ll be working on it in the future. In the meantime, there is a website message advising customers to submit their form direct to CSC. You may still receive some application forms from your employees, please email them direct to us for processing if you’ve already sent through your departmental report.

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