CSC customers reap rewards from early investment in infrastructure of the future

Our customers have benefitted from our forward thinking strategy as our investment into under-appreciated opportunities produced strong results.

21 Feb 2020

The capabilities that CSC offers our superannuation customers is the unique combination of our scale and agility.  Our portfolio construction is designed to recognise and move early into new investment opportunities before others crowd in. We “hunt where others are not (yet)” to secure strong growth with confidence. 

For example, we were the first Australian superannuation fund to recognise that data centres would be a critical form of infrastructure for a technology-driven future. We followed through with a significant pioneering investment in Canberra Data Centres (CDC) in 2016, which has grown customer savings as CDC increased in value by 40% per annum over the past 3 years. 

CDC was strongly positioned to benefit from the trend we spotted towards centralisation of data storage in efficient, purpose-built centres. This reflects the calibre of CDC’s management team and their capability to leverage and grow their specialised knowledge and servicing-quality in the Canberra market. 

We pro-actively sourced this investment from within our high-quality-investment manager network, rather than wait for the marketplace to eventually recognise the value of this strategy.

In December 2019 we completed a partial (50%) sale of our interest in CDC to lock in material gains for our members. We continue to remain a major shareholder of this business, because we continue to believe in its capacity for further growth, both geographically and via expanding partnerships with other large commercial data operators. 

This is a recent example of our global best-practice innovation and governance at work.

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