We aim to help you achieve more for your retirement

10 Nov 2021

More comfortable retirement

We aim to help our customers reach a higher standard of retirement than the industry standard*. We want to help you be able to retire when you choose, and live the retirement lifestyle you’ve dreamed of. In short, we want to help our customers retire as comfortably as possible.

We are a niche superannuation provider with a well-defined customer base by design, and our investment strategy is built specifically with our customers in mind. This allows us to try to really understand your needs**, rather than just deliver for the ‘average Australian’.

More experience

Our investment purpose is to help provide comfortable retirement outcomes for our current and former Australian Public Service (APS) and Defence Force customers. This has been our purpose for many generations – we’ll be celebrating 100 years of service in 2022.

More personalised service

Through our customer experience program, The Compass, some of you told us that you want more precise information about what income you may expect to receive when you retire. So, we’ve included personalised retirement projections in annual statements for the past few years.

More to look forward to in the future

Our customers’ expectations are changing, and so are we. We’re transforming our business to be better equipped to meet your changing needs and expectations. For example, we’re working on including more information like total superannuation savings in your online account, to get an even more accurate picture for you to see how your retirement is tracking. We do this to better guide you and empower you with the information you need to help you to achieve your retirement goals.

2021 Annual Member Meeting

To hear more about these ideas, we invite you to attend our 2021 Annual Member Meeting where our Chair of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer will be discussing our strategies to:

  1. help you achieve a comfortable retirement standard of income
  2. help you find what you need to understand your choices into and through retirement
  3. continuously respond to your feedback and improve our services

Register to attend on the day, or keep an eye out for the recorded session soon.

Event details

Wednesday 17 November 2021, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (AEDT).

Attend online via our virtual meeting room. Registrations close 14 November 2021.

* CSC’s key objective across all its managed schemes is to support its customers (of which there are approximately 750,000) to achieve ‘comfortable retirement by age 65 or more’, as benchmarked against the Australian Superannuation Fund Association’s (ASFA) comfortable industry standard.

** Based on data from employers.

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