Women and super
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- MilitarySuper
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Invest in your future
Understanding your super is the first step in investing for your future retirement.
Check your balance— how does my super stack up?2
Your super may be your biggest asset (outside the family home). Understanding what you have saved can help you keep track, and plan for the retirement lifestyle you want.
Contributions—can I add more to my nest egg?3
Depending on your super scheme, you may be able to make additional contributions. There are different types of contributions and limits to consider, but if this is something you can do, it can make a big difference in the future.
Investment option—is this mix right for me? What are my options?4
Your super is being invested for you. If you haven’t made a choice, you’ll be invested in our default balanced option. Depending on your retirement goals, you can tailor your investment mix from the four options available to you.
Our online tools and calculators can help you make educated financial choices.
See your super details by logging in to CSC Navigator.
1 Taxation Statistics 2020-21 - Snapshot - Table 5 - data.gov.au
2 Super Balance Detective - ASFA Super Guru
Accelerate your know-how
We are your guide on everything super. You have access to individual support and expert help, so you can plan today and reach your retirement goals.