Quick Guides

Our quick guides can assist you with common administrative tasks in relation to our schemes, such as invalidity retirement and ceasing members.

Quick Guides

Part-time and casual members

Sickness and injury

IRC quick guide for PSSap members

A quick guide to invalidity retirement for PSSap members

IRPSSCSS01 - Applying for a CSS or PSS invalidity retirement certificate

This guide aims to provide you with information about the eligibility requirements a CSS or PSS customer must satisfy before being approved for an IRC, as well as CSC’s assessment process, to assist you in gathering evidence so you can present us with a comprehensive application.

PAPCSSPSS01 - Applying for and paying CSS and PSS pre-assessment payments

This guide aims to provide you with general information about PAPs as they relate to your employees who are customers of CSS and PSS

Assisting terminally ill PSSap members

Assisting terminally ill PSSap members